Monday, July 30, 2012

The Road Trip, Part 11, The post-Canada ventures

Alrighty then... Let's see if I can run through another leg of the trip.

Portland Lunch! AGAIN!
Vancouver was the last bit of my west-coast adventures. After that it had come time to venture on my Reverse-Oregon Trail.

And since I clearly have a loose understanding of the term "adventure" I went back to Portland for a spell.

I went back to Powell's because that's just what you do, and got a delicious lunch across the street at a place called Morso.

After that I hit up a lovely little place called Salt & Straw. Possibly the best Ice Cream I had ever had in my life. Oh my god. I was that-one-asshole who had to try everything on the menu before I picked the flavor I wanted.

Examples of flavors included:

  • Sea-Salt Caramel Ribbon
  • Lavender
  • Honey Balsamic Strawberry with Cracked Pepper


I don't even know.

Despite all of my food-ing I haven't even managed to scratch the surface of the amazing foods that Portland is full of. Hell I only got drunk like twice, I clearly need to come back here later. But for now I think I've had my fill. I had places to be!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Road Trip, Part 10, Exeunt Canada.

Okay, I'm clearly still tremendously behind schedule, so let's just do the next few bits in clipshow, shall we?

First stop in Vancouver was a Dim Sum place because
I heard they have good Dim Sum. (They were right.)

Then I went to the Science World Museum
Because, well, SCIENCE.

They had a Da Vinci exhibit

This was in addition to a bunch of other cool
stuff like puzzles and optic illusions and stuff.

But let's be honest here.

DA VINCI. Come on now. 

Then I saw some modern art.

Went to a couple of used book stores.

Saw a Steam Clock

Ate some freaking INCREDIBLE sushi. 

And bookstore'd some more. 

I'll maybe do a post that's all about the books I've been up to. but for the time being, let's take this story out of Canada. 

NEXT STOP: Not Canada!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Road Trip, Part 9. Don't Wanna be a Canadian Idiot.

OKAY! I have clearly dropped the ball on this blog. Time to play catch up.

Yep, I'm in Canada.

Cue theme song

 So I drove up to Canada to see a few friends and to also see what all the hubbub is aboot. I went to Tim Horton's which is like Dunkin Donuts, but Canadian-er. I had seen one or two in Seattle but they're EVERYWHERE in Canada.

I picked up balrogon and went in search of CANADIAN ADVENTURE.

By which we mean Minigolf. This was in a town called Kelowna which is in the middle of goddamn nowhere, but luckily we managed to find Khaiya and had a lovely time regardless.


During the trip we all went to some INCREDIBLY CANADIAN RESTAURANTS. Seriously, Antlers and Hockey gear were everywhere. I know stereotypes are bad/rude/naughty, but they are not making this easy.

Canadian Lunch
We had a lovely meal and drew on the placemats because grownups can't tell us not to anymore.
Khaiya's menu drawings.
Pictured: The Sun. Also some friends.

Anyway, we spent a great deal of time hanging out, talking about art and nerd stuff, and playing a whole ton of board-games. Particularly Dutch Blitz and Bang. 

All in all, Kelowna was a pretty good time.

My first flat tire, EVER!

On the way OUT of Kelowna, I hit a rock and got a flat tire.

Poor Copenhagen.


Pictured; Those weird cheese
fries w/ gravy that I keep seeing
in Canada. Also beer.

I got that patched up pretty quick, and the tow-truck driver actually said "The roads can be rough sometimes, eh?"

He said "Eh" unironically.

It was awesome.
Poutine! It's called poutine.