Friday, October 1, 2010

Dungeons and Dragons pt. 1

Above is a few portraits for a D&D game I'm gonna be running soon. It's been a while since I've drawn straight-fantasy. I kind of enjoyed it.

The characters are a Drow Storm Sorceress, a Warforged Swordmage, and a Gnome Artificer.

The setting is a sort of post-apocalypse renaissance adventure campaign with sky pirates. So yeah.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Scott Pilgrimage Complete!

So a friend of mine declared it fanservice month. So yeah.

Man, I'm bad at keeping up with this... anyway... on to the blogging

Okay so I totally saw the movie and thoroughly enjoyed it. Honestly, Edgar Wright knocked that thing out of the goddamn park. It sucks that no one saw the movie. Here's hoping it follows the Edgar Wright Pattern and gets the DVD sales it needs.

I really respect Universal for taking on this kind of obscene risk, because as good a film as it is, it's still like, triple niche. It's a Hipster, Video-game Nerd, Kung Fu, Romantic Comedy starring Micheal Sera with bright colors and comic-book effects. Honestly mass market appeal wasn't really on the table.

Anyway, I just re-read all of the books again, as well as the Free Comic Book Day bonus comic... and also Lost at Sea just to be thorough. Bryan Lee O'Malley is a goddamn genius.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Story Class Wrap-up

So yeah... I just finished my last Storyboarding Class with Rad Sechrist. Who is GODDAMN INCREDIBLE. If you don't know, there's two fundamental things about him that ought to be made clear: 1. he works for Dreamworks. 2. He's awesome.

He taught me a lot about storyboarding and I also had the privilege of being in the company of some pretty goddamn spectacular people.

I still have a long way to go, but I'm glad I'm still meeting some people who can show me how to be awesome.

Below are a few samples from the storyboard I did the final week of class. The whole set is about 50 panels long, and it's still not done. These here are just some of the nicer highlights.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Chun Li, I'm Lovin' it.

I drew Chun Li.

On a related note: this.

Self Portrait in late Scott Pilgrim.

Is anyone else psyched for this goddamn movie? I am psyched for this goddamn movie.

So here's what I'm doing right now...

for everyone who doesn't know, my name on DeviantArt is Skyserpent, and for the past couple of years I've been pretty active on the OCT circuit. That is Original Character Tournaments

I've drawn a lot of characters over the years and now I think is as good a time as any to try something... I call it the Sketchdump Jam.

Here are the rules:
draw one sketch for every OC that has ever appeared in your gallery.
Scrapbook counts
Named OCs only
One sketch per OC
Costume must match first appearance. Minor redesigns acceptable.
No fan-characters or characters from Comics or TV-shows, videogames, etc.

So far I'm up to 65. Crazy, right?

You can watch some of the process of drawing them all HERE

Monday, August 9, 2010

Welcome to the Yingdom

So yeah, figure it's high time I try and kick off a blog.

This'll mostly be a place to plug in some of my sketches and for me to rant about whatever I feel needs ranting about. Please, pull up a chair, make yourselves comfortable. I'm here to entertain.