Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Road Trip, Part 9. Don't Wanna be a Canadian Idiot.

OKAY! I have clearly dropped the ball on this blog. Time to play catch up.

Yep, I'm in Canada.

Cue theme song

 So I drove up to Canada to see a few friends and to also see what all the hubbub is aboot. I went to Tim Horton's which is like Dunkin Donuts, but Canadian-er. I had seen one or two in Seattle but they're EVERYWHERE in Canada.

I picked up balrogon and went in search of CANADIAN ADVENTURE.

By which we mean Minigolf. This was in a town called Kelowna which is in the middle of goddamn nowhere, but luckily we managed to find Khaiya and had a lovely time regardless.


During the trip we all went to some INCREDIBLY CANADIAN RESTAURANTS. Seriously, Antlers and Hockey gear were everywhere. I know stereotypes are bad/rude/naughty, but they are not making this easy.

Canadian Lunch
We had a lovely meal and drew on the placemats because grownups can't tell us not to anymore.
Khaiya's menu drawings.
Pictured: The Sun. Also some friends.

Anyway, we spent a great deal of time hanging out, talking about art and nerd stuff, and playing a whole ton of board-games. Particularly Dutch Blitz and Bang. 

All in all, Kelowna was a pretty good time.

My first flat tire, EVER!

On the way OUT of Kelowna, I hit a rock and got a flat tire.

Poor Copenhagen.


Pictured; Those weird cheese
fries w/ gravy that I keep seeing
in Canada. Also beer.

I got that patched up pretty quick, and the tow-truck driver actually said "The roads can be rough sometimes, eh?"

He said "Eh" unironically.

It was awesome.
Poutine! It's called poutine.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, it was great seeing you two! Glad you enjoyed the visit too! And yeah, Kelowna's a bit well... quirky... and small.
